A Sailors Story

I just got home from my Tuesday night political meeting. Since I’ve been gone, they’ve moved it back to Fuddruckers. 🙂

I’m still doing the Just Jot It January challenge (the prompt today is: coffee), but I’ve decided to go off on another tangent and stir the pot again today…

I haven’t been going to those meetings for a while. Not only because I’ve been in and out on a couple of jobs recently, but also because I just get so frustrated, angry and depressed over the state of things.

We talk about all kinds of things at those meetings. Everything from healthy, fresh (non-GMO) foods, organic gardening and raw milk to chemtrails, fluoridation, cryptocurrencies, UN agenda 21, property rights, human rights, civil liberties, abuse of power, corporatism, corrupt politicians, the banksters running everything, and all kinds of other things.

Tonight, I met the guy who called me last night. He told us all the story he told me over the phone last night.

Personally, I was angered and disgusted with the extent that people completely refuse to just mind their own business. Of course, many people think that everything is their business. That’s a big problem everywhere. Maybe especially in small towns like this one.

This is his story: His family lives on a sailboat. They leased a mooring from a man and they’ve been living aboard their sailboat down there near the beach. The man (I’ll call him Dave), his wife (I’ll call her Maria) and their kids.

They’re a nice, quiet couple. Normal kids (I haven’t met the kids yet). Not making trouble or bothering anybody. Minding their own business.

Christmas Eve, the cops showed up and gave them 2 hours to get out! OK, it’s damn near impossible to do that on short notice. If you have a boat, you know what I’m talking about.They didn’t want to anyway (and I don’t blame them). They asked why? What was the problem?

Long story short, the cops have been harassing them every day since. Dave finally told the cops to give him a ticket or leave him alone. So, they made up some line of BS, told Dave that living aboard his boat violated some ordinance (turns out there is no such ordinance) and when Dave investigated and challenged the cops on it was told (oops!) he didn’t really violate that ordinance, it was a different one!

So. Here’s a nice normal family, being harassed and run out of town because they made the choice to live aboard a boat instead of a ‘normal’ house. I ask why is that anybody else’s business?

I’ve been involved in arguments about ‘boat trash’ for years. I own a house very close to where this is happening today. I bought it specifically to dock my boat there. I fought the homeowners association about their ridiculous opinions about boat owners (“boat trash”) back then. I still think they’re full of uninformed prejudice and they really need to just shut up and mind their own business.

IMHO, If I buy property, I ought to be able to USE it! Why buy anything if you’re not going to use it? “Use” is inherent in the definition of ownership and is common sense part and parcel of buying something.

If you want to dictate how I can use “my” property, then I don’t really own it- YOU DO! And if you’re not paying me for that, then you’re stealing from me and you are completely unjustified to even think you ought to be able to do that!

This family of sailors is not hurting anyone in the neighborhood in any way, shape or form! They pay their rent (part of which goes to the property taxes), they don’t look for trouble, they use shoreside facilities (water, sewer, trash) so there is no “trash” involved! They’re normal people except that they’ve decided to try and escape the rat race and live their dreams.

They ought to be able to do that! And nobody should be able to harass them about their choices!

Aaaand, not only is that family being unjustly attacked, but their landlord’s property rights are being violated too. HE is the one who made the deal to rent this family space. HE bought and paid for that property. HE ought to be able to USE it the way HE wants to.

It’s NOT up to the neighbors, it’s NOT up to the city! If he is not harming anyone else by his use of his property, then it is his absolute right to do so!

Neither the property owner nor the sailors are bothering anybody in any real way. They are not harming anyone! Someone decides they don’t like looking at ‘boat trash’, well that’s just tough tiddly-winks! Grow up! The world does not run itself to satisfy your every desire!

You want a pristine view, then either buy up all the property as far as you can see around you so that YOU have a legitimate right to say something about your view, or shut the hell up!

You live in a community, you need to understand that other people also have rights. As long as no one is harming another, everyone has the exact same equal rights under the law! YOU cannot run someone off because you don’t like their appearance!

We can’t (and should stop trying to) make laws based on such subjective ideals. Everyone has a different opinion. A different viewpoint. Laws need to be based on objective FACTS. NOT opinions, not feelings, not looks!

You shouldn’t be allowed to force me to paint my house YOUR favorite color! I should be allowed to paint it MY favorite color regardless of how much you hate it!

Hopefully, we can come to an agreement where we each paint our houses some color we can at least tolerate. The point is, there should not be a LAW about it!

This is supposed to be a “free country”. As Americans, we’re supposed to value “freedom” and “liberty”. “A man’s home is his castle”.

WTF happened? Do we really need laws to dictate what color you can paint your house? Because you might ‘offend’ someone? REALLY? Offending someone is NOT harming them!

This trend towards protecting everyone’s ‘feelings’ and trying to be inoffensive is getting past the point of ridiculousness. It has now become actively harmful.

This sailors story is just one example. I don’t know how you feel about it (but I hope you’ll comment). I hope you’ll think about what I’m trying to get across here. I’m curious to hear your objections (and yeah, I’m pretty sure there will be plenty- at least there would be in person so hoping being online won’t stop everyone).

I plan to help this family fight the city. I’m not sure what I can do, but I’m starting by sharing their story and looking for suggestions.

A to Z: Freedom

I’ve been getting behind in the A to Z Challenge. Today we should be on the letter ‘H’ and I’m only on ‘F’. I’ve been having so many problems with my computers and internet here, it’s a wonder I’ve been able to get on here and post at all.

I thought things had finally returned to normal yesterday, but noooooooooo. I am stuck right back where I was to begin with. I have to return the computer to the shop on Monday. No idea how long it will take to get it fixed. It was never actually fixed when I brought it home. 🙁

Nothing around here seems to be going right at all.

But today’s post is supposed to be about freedom. As you can tell from my blog header (She sails the seven seas in search of FREEDOM), it’s extremely important to me. Just about all I can say about that at this point is: thank god for the internet!

It is the only hope I have that we will someday be able to reverse the trend, educate people and bring this country to where the people can ever have real freedom to live their lives the way they choose. The way we were supposed to from the beginning. The way our founding documents explain to the world.

If people really understood what was going on behind the scenes (and more and more out in the open), they would rise up and FIX what’s wrong. Even Henry Ford thought so, here’s a quote from him on just one subject (banking/money)…

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.

But the entire system has been against them ever learning- the education system, the media, the government (of course), big business, and on and on. The internet finally gives ordinary people the means to investigate and learn for themselves, without interference from special interests with their own agendas.

Our founding principles were basically enacted into our system of government so that everyone could do whatever they wanted as long as they didn’t hurt anyone else. Simple.

We have been losing more and more of our freedoms here in the USA. “The home of the free and the land of the brave”. Not so much anymore. 🙁

The PATRIOT ACT (spying on everyone-everywhere, strip search at the airport, biometric IDs), the NDAA (indefinite detentions, they can kill anyone they want, anytime, with no due process), etc, etc, etc are stripping us of our freedoms daily and hardly anyone seems to care. Obviously, they are completely UN-constitutional! Our founding fathers would be spinning in their graves!

Take a look at our presidential candidates (if you can stand it). Not ONE of them running in the major parties has the slightest respect for individual liberty or the principles this country was founded on. The democrats and republicans are really only one party- STATIST.

That means that they are supporting the state over and above the people. In this country, we were founded on the complete opposite of that- INDIVIDUAL liberty.

Since the democrats and republicans own the televised debates, most Americans will never learn they have another choice until they’re actually in the voting booth! The republicrats refuse to allow ANY other party into the debates. So, what use is a debate when you all belong to the same party? The internet is the only way to find out more about all the other candidates (tho they did have a nationally televised debate with 3 Libertarian candidates on Fox Business News- 1st time ever last week).

Ask yourself this one question. Do you own yourself? Yes or no?

If you answer yes, then you should think hard about supporting anyone in any major party here. Only the Libertarian Party has even the slightest respect for your freedom. As they say “we’re secretly plotting to take over the world and leave you alone”. 🙂

I truly believe everyone on this planet deserves to live the best life they possibly can, by their OWN choices. That everyone has the right to decide for themselves to do whatever they want, as long as they don’t hurt anyone else (and they will take the consequences for their actions). That is true freedom. That is how I believe we were meant to live and is absolutely, no question, the BEST way for mankind to live.