The assignment for Day Four of the Blogging 201 challenge is to make sure your site is ‘mobile-friendly’. I checked and it seems that my ‘theme’ Twenty Eleven is already ‘responsive’. That means it should already be OK for all sorts of mobile devices automatically. 🙂
That’s a really good thing, since I had no idea it might not show up looking the same way. I just never thought about it before this assignment.
I did take a look at it in the appearance menu on wordpress to see what my blog would look like on mobile phones and tablets. I think it looks pretty good on both. I only saw a couple of things I’d like to change, but I don’t know how. 🙁
The first thing is that all the ‘widgets’ show up at the very end. I’d like to have my ‘follow me’ widget up closer to the top so that people might be more likely to see it (and hopefully click on it!). 🙂
The other thing is that for some reason, the post’s I’ve done with a slideshow (the Bike and Blues Fest for example) don’t show up inside the screenshot on the phone preview. I’m not sure if that’s something going on with this computer when I look at it, or if it really looks like that when someone looks at my blog from a cel phone. 🙁
I also took a look at my blog on that another blogger on the Blogging 201 Commons mentioned. Those posts with the slideshows show up the same way there, like they’re way off-center for some reason.
Can anybody out there check it out and let me know? If it IS a problem, does anybody know what I need to do to fix it?
Has anyone else had this issue? I’m trying to look through the Commons but haven’t seen anything yet. I admit, I haven’t had a lot of time to spend on this project so far, but trying to catch up. 🙂
Hey Jill let me know if you get this my phone been acting up too but its working now I have a lot of email to go thew this is crazy!! Lol! How you been?
Yep, I got it Dave. No problem, my phone is totally out of order over here. I’m guessing now it won’t work til I get back home (but I’ll try it again once I get to Seoul).
Yeah, I know what you mean on the email. I’ve got mine down to only about 1550! 😉
I’ve been keeping BUSY! How bout you?
Hey Jill going thew my email so sorry for the late repy again lol!! But yes my phone is good. 🙂
that’s good. 🙂
Glad you got through your email, I have a LONG way to go on mine. 🙁
I know how you feel when there are a lot of emails to go thew.