If you don’t hear from me for a couple of days, don’t worry- I’ll be traveling and unable to get online.
I’m already at the airport. It seems I just left the place.
I’m headed back to Angola. I’m going back to work. A different ship this time, but the same company. The ship should be very similar to the last one I was on.
I was only at home for a little over a week. A couple of days flying home, a couple of days flying back. Whew! I’m already exhausted and I haven’t even got to work yet.
I didn’t really get to do a whole lot while I was home this time. I was pretty busy trying to get my taxes done. Or at least in good enough shape to turn them over to the accountants. What a job!
I’m hoping I got everything I need done. I should have a few days at home before the deadline, just in case. I just hope I get home on time. I’ll be ready for a real vacation for sure by the time I get off this trip!
Have a safe trip sailor girl.
Which ship are you going to now?
Jim Fish
We are all looking forward to hearing your adventures. Wishing you calm seas.