One Word Photo Challenge: Foggy

I like to enter these photography challenges when I can. They’re always interesting. I like to see what other people are doing too. This is for Jennifers One Word Photo Challenge: Foggy. I took these one night in New Orleans. I love New Orleans! 🙂



22 thoughts on “One Word Photo Challenge: Foggy

          • Yes, definitely and the fresh air. What I find people often do wrong is that they try to go to rooms and some even go higher up. That makes it worse too.

          • you’re right. I think the best thing to do is to go outside (if possible) and look at the sky (NOT the horizon). Eat some saltine crackers and drink a little ginger ale to settle your stomach. It works. 🙂

          • The thing I hate about choppers (and planes) is that you’re stuck sitting so CLOSE to each other for so long. Can’t even get up to move around for hours. I hate that!!

          • True. I don’t mind planes in a way as I can get up and walk around if I really need to. But the trips I had in choppers were horrific…

          • horrific? Where were you going? I’ve never liked them, but I wouldn’t call them that. Tho I have to admit, I’ve never taken one in the North Sea. They tell me there that they have to suit up and wear survival suits with rebreathers the whole flight. UGH! I can hardly imagine how miserable that must be.

          • Oh mine was not even close to be that adventurous. It was on a holiday with my parents and my dad surprised us all with a one hour helicopter flight. I’ve never been that sick in my life… Tried it again when in Brazil, flying to the farm of my back then boyfriends parents and same again. Put me on a boat and I’m fine, put me on a plane and I’m fine. Put me in a helicopter and I get sick… Why? No clue…

    • Thank you so much Jennifer! Thank you for posting the challenges!
      I’m taking a workshop on blogging this week and might try again to do a challenge here. I don’t think I did it right when I tried it before.

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