If you’ve been here before, you must be wondering WTF is going on around here. It looks like hell and it looks a LOT different than it used to! Well, to tell you the truth, I think I made a major mistake in moving my blog over to captainjillsjourneys.com from captjillsjourneys.wordpress.com!
I’ve had nothing but major frustration and aggravation from day 1 with this move and I’m not happy at all. I had my blog looking pretty decent and had (finally) figured out how to add widgets and such. I had my blog moved over more than a week ago and only just discovered that my follow button was gone!
I’ve lost access to the wordpress reader and can’t find out how to connect with it again. I can’t figure out how to get my visuals set up the way I want them. I can’t remember how to put the widgets I had back on my sidebar (twitter feed, flickr feed, facebook feed, etc). I can’t even see my old site to try and copy it!
I’m on vacation and really don’t want to spend ALL my time here in a beautiful foreign country working on the computer trying to get my blog back in order. I AM working on it. I just can’t spend the time here and now.
So, I’m asking for help. Does anybody know anything about how to fix any of those things I just mentioned? I’m lost.
I really like your background wallpaper. I have been trying to set up a wordpress.org site so am taking an interest in your journey through wordpress, as well as in the world. I couldn’t tell if you had changed from wordpress.com to a self hosted wordpress.org type site from your text.
If you are at wordpress.org now there are several choices of plug-ins to allow folks to follow. One possibility is to activate the Jetpack plug-in. Jetpack, which is actually a set of plug-ins that has a lot of the capabilities from WordPress.com in it, has a “subscriptions” option that will add a “follow blog” and “follow comment” option to the comment form.
I am still trying to figure out if I can connect my wordpress.org site and wordpress.com sites via single sign on that is part of the jetpack so I can see the reader. I am not sure if my difficulty is because I have different email addresses associated with the two site or not.
Thanks Kate.
Yeah, I switched to wordpress.com and having a hell of a time with it! It already had jetpack and yesterday I had some time to fiddle with it. I’m not sure what I did helped any.
It seems SUPER slow to load up the blog to me now. Does it to you?
I did find the reader last night, but just by chance, I noticed it as a link in another post and clicked on it. That brought me to the main page and I saved it as a favorite on my computer. It used to be right along the bar at the top of my blog. Very convienient! I guess I can’t have that anymore, but at least I found it again.
I have tried to do the analytics but it is not allowing me. I don’t have any idea why not. It says it saved the google ID, and then it says it didn’t and asks me to get it again.
I did manage to get the pinterest plug in which was something I wanted while I was still at wordpress.com. Now you can pin a photo straight to pinterest. I don’t really know if any of my readers were interested in that, but since I do have a lot of my photos on my blog, I thought it would be nice to have it.
So, yeah, I think it might take me a LONG time to get this all worked out!
Thanks for your help. As for the background, I really like it too, I just think its really too ‘busy’ for what I’m trying to achieve. I’d like to have just one BIG picture of that all behind the blog, then have the blog itself in a really light blue (but I can’t figure out how to change the color, its either white or black so far). I’m thinking maybe if I get a larger picture, this one was less than 100 kb? I wanted to put the idea of sailing the seas, you know with a mariners chart. I was looking at old ones with sea monsters and such, but they didn’t look as good with what I had in mind as this one. I might still change it. I might just go back to how I had it before, but people said it was hard to read on the black background. What do you think? Do you think it really makes that much difference? Enough to turn people off from reading my blog?
Anyway, I’m moving again today. Going North to Matagalpa where its supposed to be cooler.
So you are so frustrated. I can’t blame you. I’ll hang in as long as it takes.
Thanks Cee. Not the best time to have done the move, while I’m traveling. Internet is spotty and too many other things to do than mess with the computer. I tried to rest yesterday, so did some things to the blog, but I still don’t think it helped much.
The comment button doesn’t show on the reader, I only found it when I came on to your site, sorry I have no idea how to fix your issues, but maybe there is a lesson here for some of us who might be thinking of moving.
thanks Joan, I was wondering what was going on. I’m also not showing all the likes on the blog. I haven’t seen a single new follower since I moved. I think somethings really wrong but I don’t know what or how to fix it or who to even ask!
On the WordPress dashboard there is a help button, I am not sure if you still have that? There must be one hiding somewhere! I hope you get it sorted soon.
thanks Joan (for some reason your comment was in the spam folder). I have been trying to use that help button, tonight I emailed them in hopes they can tell me somewhere to start!