It’s Tuesday. That means its time for the weekly meeting of my favorite local political group, the Texas Liberty Campaign of Brazoria County We meet every week at a local restaurant for good food and interesting discussions.
We’ve been meeting at the Mediterranean Gardens for a while now (since we moved from China Town). Plenty of good Greek (and Cajun) food. I’m looking forward to it tonight since I haven’t been in so long.
I miss being able to talk about all this ‘crazy’ stuff, politics outside of the 2 party system, REAL freedom and liberty for America, things not really covered in the mainstream media. Yeah, most people think we’re a bunch of tin hat conspiracy theorists.
Sometimes I do too. But sometimes I think there really might be something to it (like all the completely unconstitutional spying on everything and everybody the US government does for just 1 example). And sometimes I even think it’s worth doing something about.
I only wish I knew just exactly WHAT to do about it all (other than speak out).
If anybody is interested, come on out and join us! We’re there from 7:00 til closing.
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