Hey out there, anybody know any cool stuff to do for a day out in Mesa (Wrigleyville West) Arizona?
I’ll be there for a conference this week, but I have all day tomorrow to explore.
Any ideas?
Hey out there, anybody know any cool stuff to do for a day out in Mesa (Wrigleyville West) Arizona?
I’ll be there for a conference this week, but I have all day tomorrow to explore.
Any ideas?
Not a clue. But it probably won’t be sailing.
Rawhide is pretty cool: http://www.rawhide.com/
If you are up for a drive on and are there for the weekend, Sedona is a nice trip.
Thanks for the suggestion DJ, but I’ll be in the conference all day Saturday and leaving very early Sunday.
I had all day yesterday free and was hoping to get out and about a bit, but was mostly too tired to do anything much.