I meant to say more about the Renaissance Festival before this, but I’ve been super lazy and haven’t been blogging for a few days.
I haven’t been able to go to the RenFest for 20 years or more, but this year I went twice! I really enjoyed myself both days. There was so much to see and do and the weather was pretty nice. Bright and sunny all day, but it did get COLD there last Sunday night.
I’m not usually much of a shopper, but I do like nice things and they had a lot of nice things there! Candles, clothes, arms & armor, leather work, crystals, jewelry and even pets (dragonpets). Not to mention the food!
I spent some time looking at the fashions. I love looking at those beautiful clothes! I’m not sure I would have liked actually wearing them, they really didn’t look very comfortable. They were expensive! As usual, nothing I liked fit! That was probably a good thing since I’m supposed to be saving my money being laid off and all.
I did break down when I saw the really special, unusual and unique jewelry at Pendragon Jewelry. I had taken a quick look early in the day and just kept thinking about it, so I went back later to ask questions and try things on. Here’s a sample of their stuff:
I would have bought a lot more of their beautiful jewelry if I knew when I would be going back to work. As it is, I had to settle for only a couple of my favorites. I spent some time talking to the proprietors, everyone was very nice and helpful.
I finally settled for 3 pieces I really loved. One is a mermaid pendant on a gold chain. She is sitting on a large labradorite stone, surrounded by “Horkimer diamonds”, a blue topaz on one side and a peach moonstone on the other. I got her for half off as a package deal with the other pieces.
One is a bracelet of cabochon moonstones.
And the other is a necklace with faceted moonstones and blue topaz.
They look gorgeous, together or apart!
This is the last weekend of the Renaissance Festival this year and I’m not going out. I signed up for the mailing list since they don’t have a website. I’m sure I’ll see more to be tempted by.
If you have any interest in this kind of thing, here’s the contact information I got:
Pendragon Jewelry, 435-703-7777, pendragonjewels@hotmail.com, you can also find them on Facebook.
Sounds like fun, and your jewelry choices are lovely. Enjoy wearing all three pieces.
Thanks Penny, I definitely will do that
Hope you’re staying busy and doing fine