Today’s prompt for the Just Jot It January is: Mendaciloquent.
Oh hell yeah, I had to look that one up! Turns out, it’s not in the dictionary. So I have absolutely NO idea what it means. Sorry.
I’ll just have to write about something else.
Read any good books lately?
I have. I just finished NOS4A2 by Joe Hill. It’s a pretty fat one, at almost 700 pages. But it does a great job of keeping you interested. I had a hard time putting it down.
I’ve read a couple other books by Joe Hill. The Heart Shaped Box was the 1st one I read. I thought it was really good. I also read Horns, which I liked even better.
His writing reminds me a lot of Stephen King. Maybe because that’s his dad? I don’t know. But they both write long stories, even over 100’s of pages you can hardly put the book down. They both write a lot using kids and a lot of real, day to day, details that bring back what you were doing as a kid. Puts you right there in the scene.
They both have a sick sense of humor (weird maybe, but I like that). Here’s a story going along where everything’s perfectly normal, it could be taking place right next door. And then, all the sudden, everything’s really weird. That turns into totally fucked up pretty damn quick.
I like how Joe writes a lot about how people get along (or not). A lot of psychology in his writing, maybe in the background, maybe not. His characters (the ones you’re rooting for) are all like-able, even if not ‘normal’. It’s easy to relate to them.
NOS4A2 is kind of a vampire story. It’s like a cross between Stephen King’s Christine, Dracula, and Dorian Grey. In this one, the super-duper special car sucks the life out of all the little kids it can catch and transfers it to the predator driver. Add in a rapist Renfield in a gas mask and a tribe of little monsters, and you’ll get what the hero’s up against.
They drive from reality to a fantasy land where it’s Christmas all the time. Til one little girl shows up and screws things up.
It’s a good story, it’s at the library. I don’t want to ruin it for you. Maybe they’ll make a movie out of it. It would make a good one.
I loved NOS4A2! It’s the only one of Joe Hill’s I’ve read so far, but I plan to read more. Been a fan of King’s for about forty years.
I agree, their styles are very similar. Would you recommend Horns first for me?
Yeah, go get it! I really loved it. But both of them are good books. I’m going to read his 20th Century Ghosts next. It’s a collection of short stories. I saw it at the library last time, but I already had 8 books and didn’t think I’d be able to read another one before they were due back.
Yeah, King is one of my all time favorite authors. I used to read every one of his books as soon as they came out. Until he started with that series. I hate reading one book in a series and then having to wait forever for the next one to come out. I never have read any of those yet. I’m sure I’ve probably missed some others by now too.
Another couple of writers I’ve been getting into lately are Laurel Hamilton and Kim Harrison. Not horror, but fantasy. Fast writers tho, they write page turners. Paranormal romance I think they’re calling them. Lots of sex in Hamilton’s books.
I commented back last night but somehow my reply went missing. Weird.
Anyway, I’ll check out the two authors you recommend. I’m getting ready to publish my own paranormal romance novel, and I’m always looking for good authors in the same genre. Thanks, Jill!
Mendacilaquint : the capability to tell masterful lies
A twist on the word: mendacious :not true: likely to be a lie
Thanks for that explanation. I was close.