My New Home

Puerta Vallarta is much larger than I expected, I can see it will take quite a while to explore. I have started learning my new neighborhood. It seems pretty nice and quiet here.

my place is just above where those people are

my place is just above where those people are

my (shared) apartment

my (shared) apartment

The school is right across the square. The laundromat is right next door to the school. There are a couple of small stores and restaurants right downstairs. An ice cream shop on one corner and a pizzeria on the other. An office depot a block one way and a bank with good exchange rates and ATM a block the other way, with an organic coffee shop right next door.

2 (big) slices and a beer for 50 pesos ($2.85)

2 (big) slices and a beer for 50 pesos ($2.85)

The beach is only about 2 blocks away.

But be careful of this guy on the way.

crocodile? or alligator? which is it?

I think I’m going to like it here. 🙂

2 thoughts on “My New Home

  1. So you are in “Puerto” (Vallarta)? Great. It’s a very nice place. Drove there with family a few years ago. had a great time fishing. Enjoy your new home.

    • Thanks. It is very nice here. I might like to stay here longer.
      The beach is beautiful, but I’m a little scared to jump in. There are some pretty big waves and I’m by myself.
      We’re going as a group to Sayulitas tomorrow, so will try it there.

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