Last night I went to watch the dancers again (will upload photos later). I got there 45 minutes early and STILL couldn’t get a seat where I could see to take good pictures. So I stood again for the whole show ( 2 hours +45 mins). My back was killing me by the time it was over, but I did at least manage to get some decent pictures this time.
I met my friends from the TEFL course there and we wandered down the Malecon afterwards. We stopped to have dinner and a couple of margaritas. I had plain and they had strawberry. Instead of salt on the rim, they had spicy pepper! I’m glad I stuck with the regular. They were strong! Dinner (for 1) and 6 margaritas for $15! Our waiter turned out to be from Houston.
Doesn’t it make you wonder about our supposed economic recovery (and “free country” status) when so many Mexicans are leaving the US and finding things much better in Mexico? I’ve certainly found things much better here than at home. I would love to live here permanently and I’m seriously considering it. That’s the whole reason I’m getting certified in TEFL. It will finally allow me a way to get out of the US.
I’ll just have to adjust to a serious pay cut (about 90%!) and so far I’m not really ready to accept that.
Today, I’m going to the marina. I’m hoping I can get in to wander around the docks and talk to people there. I’d like to find out about the possibilities of working on some of those yachts. If I can’t get down on the docks (which is more and more common today and a SERIOUS disadvantage to those of us who work aboard), then I’ll try to find a bar where the sailors hang out.
I’ll try to find out through word of mouth if anyone is looking for crew, or if there is someplace with a bulletin board, or if there are any other hang outs. That has worked for me before. When I finished high school on the sailing ships and was supposed to have a job working my way home on a ship from London and it fell through, luckily I found a job helping out on a Thames sailing barge for the summer. I had the best time that summer!
I wouldn’t mind doing something like that again.
Keep your eyes and ears open and hopefully something will come available for you!
It seems like it’s much more open for business down here. I’m definitely keeping my eyes open.
The Aussie girls met a guy with a tour shop the other day. He says he’ll give us all work (on commission). We’ve tried a couple of times since then to go by his shop to get more details, but so far he hasn’t been around when we stopped by.
I’m interested to hear what kind of deal he would offer.
Fresh Margs! I want one! I bet they are amazing down there!
Yeah, they’re great! Every day 2 for 1 specials (all day at plenty of places). They’re big, and they’re strong!
Usually can get them for around $1.
Pay cuts are hard to swallow for sure. But if your cost of living is low enough to compensate, and if your living with less stress, then it may be a good trade. Hope your networking efforts yield fabulous results for you!
True Penny, but I’m not sure the stress level is going to compensate if I’m teaching. It seems that a lot of the teachers are teaching a LOT of hours and split schedules.
They do make enough to live on (but not enough to cover any bills back home).
I’m waiting to see what kind of offers I can get. I’m going home Sunday, hoping to have a real job for at least a couple of weeks. That money will be enough to cover me for another 3-4 months down here so I can try out the teaching and gain some confidence.
It MAY turn out to be something enjoyable, low stress and affordable. If it is, I’ll continue. If not, I guess I’ll just clear out my house, rent it out and move somewhere REALLY cheap til things pick up offshore. Too bad they require us to renew every 5 years now, THAT is a major hurdle when things get slow like they are now.
I just hope to hell I’m not forced into permanent retirement during this downturn. That would REALLY SUCK! Basically 40+ years of learning to be a good mariner just totally wasted. I hate even to think about it. And not a damn thing I can do about it but try my best to find a ship somewhere.
No wonder we are in a worldwide race to the bottom of the barrel in wages. Licensed officers fighting over $60 per day jobs!!!!!!! That is NUTS! But plenty of people around the world are already that desperate and it looks like it’s still getting worse.
I WISH I could figure out how to make some income from my blog! I’ve been working hard on content and posting almost every day, but I’m getting almost no traffic on my new blog (which I started in order to monetize).
How are you doing with yours?
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