Funny that they just happened to catch this…
Source: A Tuna Eats a Seagull (Then Spits It Out): VIDEO | The Maritime Network
Funny that they just happened to catch this…
Source: A Tuna Eats a Seagull (Then Spits It Out): VIDEO | The Maritime Network
Lucky little gull! It still amazes me how large tuna actually are, when I’m only used to seeing tuna steaks in a packet. :/
Yeah, they get really big. I read a book a while ago, it’s called Tuna- A Love Story by Richard Ellis ( It was really pretty good. I learned a lot more than I thought I would.
That is not something I would expect to see. Thanks for sharing. Did you get to go to work yet?
Glad you liked it Linda. I just thought it was something interesting to share. I do that a lot when I have time to spend online. Share all kinds of weird little things I just find interesting for some reason.
I did get up to work in Houston yesterday and this morning. Things have dried out quite a bit up there. No more work for a while tho. I’m waiting to see the schedule for May when she sends it out.
Still no news about getting back offshore. This stuff in Houston is OK, but it doesn’t pay the bills (still more than I’d be able to make teaching ESL in Mexico, so I still need to stick around here).