Yeah, I know I’ve been doing a lot of political posts lately. I hope it’s not getting to be too much of a downer. But one of the main reasons I started blogging was to try to get a discussion going (with me or with others) about all the things politics is doing to our nation and our world.
I’ll move on to another subject soon, I promise.
This video is kind of long (16 mins). I thought John Oliver did a great job of injecting some humor into a subject that is really pretty sad. Super sad when you think about it. All those millions of people having their lives ruined, just so the powers that be can say that they are fighting the war on ‘drugs’. As this video on asset forfeiture vividly shows, it is NOT a war on drugs, it IS a war on US.
This whole asset forfeiture thing is just one way they fight their war against US. The very idea that they have the right to tell a person what they can put into their bodies (eat, drink, or otherwise consume) is a humongous fraud and a HUGE violation of the principle of individual liberty that this country was founded on.
The principle that the ONLY legitimate function of government was to PROTECT those liberties that we ALL were BORN WITH simply by the fact that we are all human beings.
How far we’ve fallen.
Not tired at all of your political posts.
I’m sure glad to hear that!
Illegal drugs are immensely profitable. Without them countless people would suffer economic hardship, farmers who grow the crops, those who sell vehicles used for transportation, realty companies, the list goes on ad infinitum. Add to this the contribution that illegal drugs makes to the GDP of quite a few sovereign nations, without which they would be insolvent, and then, considering that the other side of the so-called drug war (the ‘good’ guys) is equally profitable, it is easy to see why there can be no clear cut victory for either side, merely a stasis that is mutually beneficial. Universal legalization? That the drug cartels and the Baptist Church are on the same side of the argument should be instructive.