Here’s another entry for the Word a Week Challenge: Rainbow.
I took these at various times while working offshore over the last couple of years. The first one is a double rainbow in the background, with a supply boat in the foreground. The last one has part of the helideck that I wish I could have kept out of the shot, but I couldn’t get to a good spot to take the picture without it in there somewhere.
wow.. you get to see a lot of rainbows!
not so many really, some of those pictures are of the same rainbow. I do see more of them than I can get pictures of tho.
I haven’t seen one, in a while!!
Sorry about that. Not to say I hope it rains for you, but the rainbows are always nice to see.
Yes, I have one picture on my instagram
That is the last one I saw 
Photos are beautiful.
Thank you, I’m glad you liked my pictures.
thank you.