Here’s another Share Your World post thanks to Cee’s Photography Blog.
What did you or did not like about the first apartment you ever rented? I liked that it was cheap and convenient. The rent was only $80/month for a little efficiency. It was close to where I was working. It was close to everything I needed so I could walk everywhere or ride my bike (I didn’t have a car). I didn’t like that I was renting it from my father and he would come over every morning to bang on the door, wake me up and yell at me to “turn off the damn AC, you’re running up the bills!”. It was only one room, a kitchen and living/bedroom all together. The only privacy was a small bathroom. I was just so glad to have a place of my own, even if it was only just across the street from my dad’s.
What kind of art is your favorite? Why? Oh wow, that’s a HARD question to answer! I like so many different kinds of art. Drawing, painting, photography, music, dance, ceramics, pretty much anything creative. I love different styles of music: latin, reggae, folk, bluegrass, blues, classical. I love different styles of painting: surrealist (Salvador Dali`), fantastic, or super-realistic. I love photography, especially astro-photography and macro (and wish I could take those kinds of pictures!). Why? I don’t really know why. I just do. So, a VERY hard question to answer. I guess I just can’t choose just one!
How many siblings do you have? What’s your birth order? I had one brother and one sister originally. My sister died when she was 17. I’m the oldest. Then my parents remarried and I got a few stepbrothers and sisters. They’re all older than me. My stepfather had 4 sons and 1 daughter. A couple of his sons lived with my mother for a while, but I never spent much time over there and after they moved in I spent even less. My fathers girlfriend (I call her my stepmother to make it easier) had 2 sons and 1 daughter. I never really spent much time with any of my stepbrothers or sisters. I moved away from home pretty much for good when I was barely 17 and haven’t kept in touch.
Complete this sentence: I’m dreaming of a white …. (and no you can’t use Christmas as your answer). … sandy beach with clear, light blue water lapping at the shore while I sit under the shade of the palms sipping umbrella drinks.
Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? I’m grateful to have a job when so many in my industry are getting run off every day now. I’m looking forward to finding out when I can get off this ship and go home. I’m looking forward to learning my schedule so I can plan my vacation! I’m looking forward to spending my vacation in Costa Rico learning how to blog better and exploring Central America.
Your life always seems like a great adventure. Although I’m sure to you it’s not always a fun adventure.
Thanks so much sharing.
I’m sure it’s been more adventurous than some, but not nearly as much as I’d like it to be. I keep trying to make it more interesting and exciting!
Wonderful answers.. you seem like quite the independent woman
Good luck with getting off of that ship and to Costa Rico!
Thank you Lori! Yes, I value my freedom.
Still waiting to find out about getting off. I figure I should know something by tomorrow. Wednesday is crew change, so should have tickets tomorrow IF I’m getting off then.
I’m already too late to get decent flights to Costa Rica. Started looking for ways to get there from Nicaragua now.