SoCS: What

What’s up with this blog today? I checked my blog this morning and saw I had 102 views! That’s more than I’ve had in months!! I was thrilled to see that. 🙂

Since 7 am, I’ve only had 4 more, which is much more normal for this blog lately (since moving it).

What’s really strange is that there have only been 3 ‘likes’ in the last 3 days. So many views and so few likes?

What’s up with that?

What the heck are people looking at and why not ‘say’ something?

I’m starting to get the idea that somehow the “wordfence’ widget/app’ on my new blog has been  blocking people who want to like, comment or follow my new blog (, I don’t have anything like that on my old blog ( nor do I have any problems there with people liking or commenting or following me.

Since I started this (new) blog, I’ve had over 1500 ‘malicious’ attempts to sign into my blog. It seems to me that’s an awful lot of attempts to hack into a simple blog, especially when I don’t really have that many followers.

Has anybody else had anything like this happen? Any ideas for me?

This is a post for the Just Jot It January challenge. Today’s prompt is a “Stream of Consciousness Saturday” post starting with “What”. It’s still not too late to join in. 🙂

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