Today’s prompt for Just Jot It January is: effortless. I’m having a hard time thinking of anything to do with me that’s been effortless, other than gaining weight!
I certainly never had to make any effort at all to do that. In fact, I make all kinds of efforts to reverse the trend and yet no matter how many efforts I make, the pounds just keep on piling on.
People mostly think it takes some kind of effort to gain weight. You have to eat “a lot”, “like a pig”, ‘too many sweets”, “lie around like a sloth”, “couch potato”, “lazy bum”, etc. But nope, not really.
All the ‘authorities’ have to say is: “calories in = calories out”. Nope, that’s most definitely NOT the way it works for me!
I wish it were that simple. I really wish it was. If it was as effortless to lose weight as it is to gain it, that would be wonderful.