How to Host an Oktoberfest Party – Betty Crocker.
Since I’ll be going back to work soon, I’ll be missing Octoberfest this year. It actually started in Munich yesterday.
It’s already over here in Houston. I might have gone if I knew about it earlier. Really, I just had too much to do at home to check out fun things to do.
It’s always like that when I first come home from being offshore for a month or more. With this new job I recently started it looks like I’ll be missing ALL of the things I’d like to do for the next few months at least.
Here are some fun suggestions for those of you who DO get a chance to enjoy some interesting events on your time off.
Those pretzels look especially interesting. And beer is always good, I even have some Saint Arnold Octoberfest brew in my fridge right now, I’ll just have to settle for a few of those before I leave for work.