Here is my entry for the Daily Posts challenge on ROY G BIV. The colors of the rainbow. I thought I’d try to post all maritime images in this post. Maybe I’ll do another one later with other types of things. I do have a lot of colorful photos. I like strong, vivid colors, they always catch my eye, so I take a lot of pictures when I see them.
Red. I took this one while passing through the jetties in Fouchon, LA.
Orange. This is actually a photo of a pastel drawing of a junk I did years ago.
Yellow. A cute, curious little fish. I got this shot at Moody Gardens in Galveston.
Green. A couple of derelict schooners laid up in Makassar, Indonesia.
Blue. Jellyfish at the Houston Zoo.
Indigo. I took this while at work on the DB-50. We were in and out of Singapore doing sea trials.
Violet. I’m not really sure of the difference between violet and indigo, but here’s my best interpretation. I took this one in Honiara, Solomon Islands while working on the tuna boat.