Obamacare: Is It A Divide-And-Conquer Distraction? : Personal Liberty™.
Is it? I really wouldn’t doubt it. Can ‘our leaders’ REALLY be so stupid as to think Obamacare can possibly be anything but a humongous failure? Failure if the intention is actually to do something to HELP our broken health care system…
I don’t know about that. Hard to imagine anyone could be that stupid, but I know plenty of people who are ideologically committed to socialized medicine. Somehow, their brains just can’t seem to process the basic laws of economics. That when you offer something to people for “free”, yes, they are going to take it!
Sorry to have to say it (again) but NOTHING in this world is free!!! Someone is paying for all that “free” stuff and those someones will not keep on paying forever!
SO, Obamacare is doomed to failure. It WILL leave our health care system even more broke and broken than it is now. It will break the country with it, since how much more in debt will we go trying to support it?
We are already broke, our debt is in the TRILLIONS now!! Add another few trillion??? Who is going to pay for that? You? Me?? Your kids?? We DON’T have the money! Where is the money going to come from? We’ll just keep on printing it up forever? You DO remember what happened when they did that in Germany, right???
Or, we could ‘raise taxes’? How??? I am already being taxed over 50% of my salary! Do you really think I’m going to stick around and have 75% or more stolen from me for something like Obamacare??? Hell NO! I’m already trying to leave! If it gets any worse, I’m just going to have to say the hell with it and take my chances somewhere else.
No, I’m not legally allowed to work anywhere else. That is the ONLY reason I’m still here. Watching this country go downhill is just so frustrating. So annoying. So sad.
I can’t do anything about it but get out before it gets any worse. So, I’ve BEEN trying. I wish the hell I did, but I don’t have enough money saved up to just retire. If I try to use any of the money I’ve managed to save, I’ll get a huge penalty and they’ll steal 30-40% of if! I might just have to suck it up and take that loss. I do know that I sure as hell am NOT going to sit around here and LET them steal everything I’ve worked over 40 years for!
I wish someone who supports Obamacare would TRY to explain to me why they think its OK, why they think its a GOOD idea to STEAL from me (and everybody else who’s worked for it) what they’ve EARNED to support anybody else for any reason. That ought to be real entertaining at least. We’ve all been taught our entire lives that its WRONG to steal. Now, why is it right all the sudden???