Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge this week is to use the letter K. It can be anywhere in the word.
Here’s my entry…
Knight showing off for the King and queen
the red Knight attacKs the blue Knight as the jousting continues…
I took those photos at the Texas Renaissance Festival. It’s still going on, every weekend til the end of November.
I love to go and see all the creative costumes. People really go all out. It’s a long drive for me. This year I splurged. I got a weekend pass and stayed at a hotel nearby so I wouldn’t have to deal with the long drive and the miserable traffic. I’d like to go again, but I’ve got some other things planned and need to be careful of my budget.
I was looking through some of my photos while I was trying to sort them out yesterday. I thought I had some really good ones for this challenge. Sue does a weekly photo prompt on Thursdays and this week the subject is “tower“.
I went to the Texas Renaissance Festival last weekend. It was ‘Fairy Weekend” and I really wanted to see the fairies. I’ve been to “Barbarian Weekend” and “Pirate Weekend” before (I especially liked the pirates).
They have all sorts of things to see and do from back in the days: jousting, archery, magicians, traditional music, fireworks, dancers, and fire dancing as just a few examples. I really love to see all the amazing costumes people have created. Some of them spend thousands of dollars. Some create quite an effect with only a minimal expense.
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One of the things you can do is to climb the castle tower.
Just a quick update since it’s been another busy week. I got up early yesterday to finish up my photos to enter in the fair. I dropped them off and headed up to the Renaissance Festival near Magnolia (NW of Houston).
I didn’t get there til about 1600, but at least there wasn’t the usual huge traffic jam to deal with and I got to park fairly close (without having to pay the $10 ‘preferred parking’ fee.
It was a good idea showing up so late. It was still hot and humid, but not nearly so bad as if I had shown up at noon. I still got to check out the shops full of old time clothing, weaponry, jewelry and other assorted goods. In between I enjoyed a chocolate ice cream cone and a $6 lemonade.
I stayed to watch the fireworks. That was a blast (literally)! First the fire dancers put on their show. Then Tartanic started playing their spirited rendition of Celtic inspirational music as the rockets whistled into the air.
I spent the night ‘nearby’ (thought I would save time but got stuck instead). I’ve got to check out of the hotel. More later- with pictures.
In honor of Pirates Weekend at the Texas Renaissance Fair, I’m re-posting this little ditty from last year.
Here’s another little sea chantey to add to your musical collection. It’s done by Key & Peele, 2 funny guys who used to be on MADtv (which I loved). I really used to love MAD magazine when I was a kid, but the ones they’re coming out with now are nowhere near as funny as they used to be (and no, it’s not just because I’m getting older!).
This sketch somehow manages to be both a little risque’ and PC at the same time.
Pirate Chantey– Key & Peele
“Thar once was a lass so fine, She was drunk on Barleywine, I’d been (out) to sea for a month or three, I knew I could make her mine. But the lass was past consent, So it was off with her we went, And we threw her in bed and we rested her head, And we left cuz that’s what Gentlemen do…
A woman has a right to a drink or two, Without worryin’ about what you will do! We say Yo-HO but we don’t say ‘ho,’ Cuz ‘ho’ is disrespectful, yo.
Thar once was a girl from Leeds, Who I heard was good on her knees, So I docked my ship for an overnight trip, To take care of all of my needs. She was fine as the tales did tell, And my mast began to swell, So I laid her down and I raised her gown, And performed cunnilingus for an hour or so.
Always take care of yer lady fair, Cuz they deserve as much attention down there! We say Yo-HO but we don’t say ‘ho,’ Cuz ‘ho’ is disrespectful, yo.
I once had a woman so fair, Whose whom contained my heir, With a son by my side, the seas we’d ride, The child she would bear. But my woman she was no fool, She was working her way through school, So I did support when she chose to abort, Because it’s her body and therefor her choice.
No we don’t say ‘booty’ ‘less we talkin’ ’bout gold, and we don’t look at chests ‘less they’s treasure-holds! With a hat and a feather and a cutlass on our hip, We don’t say ‘she’ when we’re talking ’bout a ship! We don’t say ‘bitch’ and we don’t say ‘whore,’ Cuz that language leads to things like body dysmorphia.
Thar was a lady with a golden eye, And the doctor said she would die, So she emptied her purse to lift the curse, And prayed to stay alive. She awoke the very next day, And in her grave she lay, But the scariest part of the story from the start, Is I bet you assumed the doctor was a man.
Women are doctors too, And for a fraction of the doubloons! We say Yo-HO but we don’t say ‘ho,’ Cuz ‘ho’ is disrespectful, yo.
Thar was a slut with tits to here, and an ass that- (gunshot. he is dead and that is good.)
Cuz it’s Yo-HO but we don’t say ‘ho,’ Cuz ‘ho’ is disrespectful, yo.”
I meant to say more about the Renaissance Festival before this, but I’ve been super lazy and haven’t been blogging for a few days.
I haven’t been able to go to the RenFest for 20 years or more, but this year I went twice! I really enjoyed myself both days. There was so much to see and do and the weather was pretty nice. Bright and sunny all day, but it did get COLD there last Sunday night.
I’m not usually much of a shopper, but I do like nice things and they had a lot of nice things there! Candles, clothes, arms & armor, leather work, crystals, jewelry and even pets (dragonpets). Not to mention the food!
I spent some time looking at the fashions. I love looking at those beautiful clothes! I’m not sure I would have liked actually wearing them, they really didn’t look very comfortable. They were expensive! As usual, nothing I liked fit! That was probably a good thing since I’m supposed to be saving my money being laid off and all.
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I did break down when I saw the really special, unusual and unique jewelry at Pendragon Jewelry. I had taken a quick look early in the day and just kept thinking about it, so I went back later to ask questions and try things on. Here’s a sample of their stuff:
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I would have bought a lot more of their beautiful jewelry if I knew when I would be going back to work. As it is, I had to settle for only a couple of my favorites. I spent some time talking to the proprietors, everyone was very nice and helpful.
I finally settled for 3 pieces I really loved. One is a mermaid pendant on a gold chain. She is sitting on a large labradorite stone, surrounded by “Horkimer diamonds”, a blue topaz on one side and a peach moonstone on the other. I got her for half off as a package deal with the other pieces.
One is a bracelet of cabochon moonstones.
And the other is a necklace with faceted moonstones and blue topaz.
They look gorgeous, together or apart!
This is the last weekend of the Renaissance Festival this year and I’m not going out. I signed up for the mailing list since they don’t have a website. I’m sure I’ll see more to be tempted by.
If you have any interest in this kind of thing, here’s the contact information I got:
Pendragon Jewelry, 435-703-7777, pendragonjewels@hotmail.com, you can also find them on Facebook.
I got back from Phoenix on Sunday. On the way, I stopped off at the Renaissance Festival (Faire). I’ve been trying to go for a couple of weeks, but it has been raining every weekend. It’s not really much fun anymore to wander around in the rain.
This Sunday was finally nice. The weather was gorgeous! Sunny and cool.
So I went straight from the airport up to the Fair. Looks like everybody else in Texas had the same plans!
The traffic was horrible! It took me over 2 hours just to get from Magnolia to the festival grounds. That’s only about 6-7 miles!
Once I finally got there, I was happy to wander around all day. There was plenty to do. Watch the jugglers, jousting, fools, belly dancers, magicians. Listen to some really cool music, I really liked the Scottish group “Tartanic”. They put on a fantastic show!
There was all kinds of food to sample, set up in ‘villages’: Greek, Italian, Polish, Mexican, etc along with the usual fair foods (turkey legs, cheesecake on a stick, corn on the cob, gyros, sausage on a stick, funnel cakes,etc).
There were interesting shops for such necessities as armor, magical supplies, leather, candles, writing instruments, weaponry, jewelry, hats and clothing (mostly to fit the theme).
I loved seeing all the creative costumes. Some of the barbarians were really scary. Some of the costumes were just plain weird. Some of the outfits were just gorgeous. Some ladies I talked with told me they spent thousands of dollars on their costumes!
I really loved some of the clothes, I even went to try on a few. I couldn’t find a corset that fit. That’s probably a good thing, they were NOT cheap!
trying on corsets
Besides, when would I ever wear something like that other than Halloween? Or maybe for the St Patricks Day festivities here at Surfside?
I didn’t get home til after midnight. Slept late Monday and didn’t get much done. More on the Festival later, once I get caught up. Lots to tell.