I’m here in Phoenix, Arizona (Mesa) for the Fund Your Life Overseas Conference (put on by International Living). The subtitle to the conference is: How to Create the Kind of Life You Don’t Need a Vacation From.
YEAH! I am ready for THAT!
I flew in early yesterday, I had hoped to spend some time exploring the area, but I was just too beat from lack of sleep. I didn’t do much exploring. I managed to take a walk around the area near the hotel, check out the hotel pool and that was about it.
Today was the first day of the conference. We had 2 solid hours of speakers: Dan Prescher and Suzan Haskins, Barbara Winter, Valery Young, Winton Churchill. All telling us about some of the options out there for making a life overseas, and getting us excited to hear more in depth from them over the next couple of days.
We even had an hour long cocktail party with free drinks and snacks. I’ve already met at least a dozen very interesting fellow attendees.
My mind has been churning, thinking up all kinds of ideas. I’m still trying hard to figure out how to move and looking forward to hearing more ideas tomorrow.