Dave’s Peach Pie Moonshine Recipe | Good Ole Ways.
I wasn’t really thinking about re-visiting this subject. At least not so soon. But the assignment for todays Zero to Hero Challenge is to…
Find the post that has received the most views, likes, or comments, and write a related follow-up post.
Since my most ‘popular’ post by FAR (going by the number of ‘views’ I had that day), was the one on the Crock-Pot Apple Pie Moonshine, I thought maybe I should follow the experts advice at ZTH and (what else?), post another moonshine recipe!
I really do love apple pie, so I was looking forward to trying some of that apple pie stuff. Can’t say I feel the same about peach pie. I’m not really a big fan of peaches. I have a friend who LOVED to drink peach schnapps. He could drink it with beer or all by itself. Personally, I think it’s too sweet.
Maybe the moonshine will cut down on some of that sickly sweetness. Let me know if you try it!
PS- I really like Dave’s blog too and would have liked to comment but for some reason it won’t let me. I can’t even figure out how to sign up to follow it.