Blogging 201: Day Three- You’ve Got the Look

The assignment for day 3 of the Blogging 201 challenge is to continue refining your ‘brand’. I’ve already done quite a bit of that when I was first getting started and then again during the original Zero to Hero challenge.

I also took a critical look at my blog for yesterdays assignment (Audit Your Brand). I think there are a few small things I’d like to play with, but since I’m actually traveling in Korea at the moment I’m not going to do that right now.

I hate to spend my time here playing on the computer for hours on end when I should be out exploring Korea!

All in all, I’m pretty happy with the look of my blog. My brand. I’d be happy to hear any comments or suggestions from anyone as to how to improve it. 🙂

8 thoughts on “Blogging 201: Day Three- You’ve Got the Look

  1. Looks good to me. When we hit this a week or so ago I posted on the Community Board and had a huge amount of feedback. After taking it in I did a major revision. Of course I wasn’t in Korea, or any place else that demanded my attention. I like your site and am not suggestion change, but if you do want to hear some other opinions, try putting a question up on the Community page for blogging 201 with a link back to this page.

    • Thanks for the feedback Trent. I appreciate it. I’ll try to do as you suggest later tonight. I did finally get a chance to look at the commons last night and I see a lot of back and forth,, that’s great.

  2. I like this brand 🙂 If this theme allows you to add widgets on either side of the screen, you may want to do it. But I’ll agree if you don’t want to clutter the page at the same time. Best!

    • Thanks for your comment Mahesh, I appreciate your taking the time to give me some feedbadk. I’m so late to this challenge, the daily comments are closed and this computer doesn’t want to let me scroll so far back in the Commons. 🙁
      Yes, it does allow me to put widgets on both sides, but I tried that in the beginning and I just really didn’t like it that way.
      I’m pretty happy with it this way. Just a couple of things I’d like to figure out. Like is there an easy way to change the font size? I’d like to make it a little bigger but I can’t seem to figure out how to do that. 🙁

      • Thanks for writing! 🙂 You want the font size to be bigger for your own reading or you want it for you readers. I googled to check if there’s an easy way to do it and I couldn’t find it unfortunately. I’ll give it another googling and will let you know if I come across something interesting. But I must tell you that I as a reader am fine with your font size – it is probably the right size. IF you want a bigger size for your reading then depending on which browser you’re using you can make that happen. For example, if you’re using Google Chrome there is an option called Zoom which if you click can increase or decrease the screen (and font) size 🙂

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