To follow up on yesterdays post, can anybody justify this situation?
I would really like to hear from people. Please give me your reasons for why you think women should be treated as worth less than men are.
Why are they still denied a full education in so much of the world? Why are they still considered as property of some man in so many places? Why are they still not allowed to make basic decisions about their own lives in so many cultures?
I’m especially interested to hear from people with Muslim influences. Just because it seems to me that the Muslims are the worst offenders at this point in time. If you don’t think they are, can you please explain why you don’t think so, who’s worse?
I would also love to hear from people of all religions as to how they reconcile their ideas of justice and basic fairness with a god who supposedly says they should treat some people with less respect than others.
If you do worship a god who you think says that kind of thing, WHY do you continue to worship it?
Just thinking it’s past time we (the entire world) start to discuss this situation and CHANGE it. I think first we need to get to the bottom of the reasons people claim it needs to be this way in the first place.
I don’t think it’s justified, at all. For any reason.
Now, who’s up for a good argument???
No problem with women being treated equally, in fact; we have trouble all over the world because this is not happening—and all this fear over it? I don’t get it-but I am just an infidel.
Thanks for the comment Wayne. It’s nice to hear from some men who don’t have any issues with womens rights.
I wouldn’t want to be anything else!!
As for being an infidel, join the club!