I’ve been following Cee’s blog for a while, but this is the first time I’ve seen this particular challenge- Share Your World. I usually see the photography ones. I decided to try this one out today.
Would you prefer snowy winters, or not, and why? I like to PLAY in the snow, but I don’t think I would like to deal with it on a non-optional basis.
So, you’re on your way out and it’s raining. Do you know where your umbrella is or do you frantically search for it all over your apartment/house? I don’t think I have any umbrellas (I took this photo at a market in Busan Korea). I don’t really mind getting wet – except for my glasses. I HATE it when my glasses get wet and I can’t see anything!
Do you prefer your food separated or mixed together? I prefer my foods separate. Unless it’s something that goes really good together, like peanut butter and chocolate, or beans and rice, or cake and ice cream. Then I might mix them up.
What is set as the background on your computer? I have a beautiful scene of a small fishing boat harbor in winter. It shows a few bright red boats against the blue water and crisp white snowy background. If you click on the photo, it’ll open up very large! That’s what it looks like on my desktop.
(It’s not my photo, I found it online somewhere, free background photos, maybe National Geographic? They have some GORGEOUS photos!).
Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? I’m grateful for our camp boss who made our Christmas day dinner special. You can see some pictures I took of it I posted on my blog here. I’m looking forward to getting off this ship and going home in the week coming up. I’m told I’ll be on the chopper on the 7th.
Thanks ever so much for sharing with us. Your photo in your background sounds beautiful.
thank you Cee! I had planned to put a picture of it in the post but I ran out of time on watch this afternoon. I’m going to add it tonight.
Gorgeous header! I enjoyed you Q&A. Seems most of us are not thrilled with snow. Beans and rice… that sounds good for tonight!
Thank you. I’m glad you liked my header. I took that picture a few years ago while hanging out at the anchorage in Singapore. We were doing sea trials on the DB-50. All I had was a little point and shoot camera with me. Lots of my photos from that trip were ruined due to dust that somehow got inside the camera lens. Lucky I could crop this one.
Beans and rice. Comfort food for many.
Love this idea! This will definitely be my next post:) gorgeous picture btw
That’s a beautiful photo.
thanks! but it’s not mine, I only took the umbrella one.