I came up to Houston yesterday for a meeting of the Nautical Institute about DP (Dynamic Positioning). I figured since I am a DP operator (DPO), I ought to go and see what they were talking about.
It was actually pretty interesting. I saw quite a few old friends and also got to ask a few questions of the panel. I brought up some of my concerns about the new scheme the NI has brought out on certification of DPOs. I hope the discussion there will cause some serious thinking about some of the problems with this new scheme (more on this later).
I got out of the meeting about 1630 and met up with some friends for dinner. We went to the “Grand Lux Café” over by the Galleria. We sat outside so we could smoke, but they STILL had to complain! I thought that’s why they had outdoor areas now. The food was good, but overpriced. I had no idea til I saw the bill, but it was over $100 for 3 of us (and only 1 drink each)! Next time I’ll stick to the Cheesecake Factory.
I stayed overnight so I could get up early to go get my visa for Angola, I’m supposed to be going back to the ship over there on Monday. They want me to be there by 0800 and I really didn’t feel like dealing with horrible Houston traffic for 2 hours first thing in the morning. Especially when I’ll be dealing with government officials! Better to spend the money for a good nights sleep.
So, I’m hoping it won’t take all day, waiting around the embassy. I’d like to check out some other things while I’m up here in Houston. Maybe go to the zoo later. Or a museum?
whatever you have the time to do, enjoy. Dealing with officials is often not the nicest thing!
Thanks Joan! I did enjoy it. Went out for a nice dinner with friends. The visit with the officials went pretty quickly and I was out of there early enough to go to the zoo.
More interesting posts to follow?
yes, for sure! I’m just too tired today. Just got home (11 pm) from a day out on the bay. Hope to catch up a bit on the blog tomorrow (after a sleep in).
Hope you have safe passage to your next port of call.
Thank you. I’ll be heading out to Angola again in a couple of days. Hoping to get a last good day of fun sailing tomorrow and rest up before the trip starts. Can’t get an upgrade and flights are all full, so NOT looking forward to the trip at all.