It’s crew change tomorrow! I will finally be able to leave this ship and head home (that’s if there is no problem with the helicopter).
I left home on May 27th (after spending 2+ days on call). I will have spent over 8 weeks away from home this time. All ‘in the service of the ship’, so technically work time, even tho this company won’t figure it that way.
I’m tired of the way things are going out here, but that would take a whole ‘nother post to go into…. It’ll be so good to get off!
Have a safe trip home!
Thanks Gary. It’s not looking too good right now. I got put on the 2nd chopper and we have to make the milk run on the way in. Expecting to miss my flight home tonight.
Ever notice how your pre crew change posts are always more upbeat than the actual event? Must be the triumph of hope over experience, eh? Wishing you smoother transitions in the future.
so, you noticed that too.
I do try to keep a positive outlook, but I’m not very good at it.
This one was worse than most. I’m just always so happy to be getting off the ship. We all wonder out there if there’s something seriously wrong with us. We only work half the year. But we spend the entire time offshore, counting down the days (some even count MINUTES) from the time they get onboard. Are we all just seriously crazy to keep working at a job that just makes us all miserable?
Yeah, we do admit it, we’re just whores for the money!