In case you’re wondering, I had a little time tonight and I’ve been TRYING to get my blog back in some kind of decent shape. As you can see, it still has a LONG way to go to get it back to where it was before I moved it.
The biggest concern I have is to get the ‘follow’ button working again. I think I’ve actually been losing followers since I moved.
I hope those of you who are still here will stick around while I’m trying to fix this mess. It’s looking like it might take me a while.
What, Texas isn’t “third world” enough for you? Stick around, we’ll soon get there.
Yeah, Texas is pretty bad in some ways (mostly to do with their ‘law and order’ attitudes), but in other ways it’s pretty good here. It’s beautiful in the spring, and there is a lot of just gorgeous country. I love it that the beaches here are still pretty much wide open, unlike FL, where you need a permit to do damn near anything. I hate to even go back over there anymore, its so sad what they’ve done over there.
Should be able to get the follow button off of the JetPack plug in.
Yeah, I had the follow button off JetPack, it didn’t seem to work. I recently put a button from a different plug in, it still doesn’t seem to work very well, but at least I’ve got messages of 1-2 followers since I did that. The numbers of likes and followers are very, very low compared to what I was getting before I moved, so I still think theres something wrong somewhere. Something didn’t get changed over or I didn’t add the right widget. I don’t know and it’s really frustrating cause I just don’t have the time right now to research it and figure out what it might be.
Maybe when I get back home again I’ll have a little more time (I hope). But that’s another month of not getting any traffic.