Another post today for the A to Z Challenge (I’m trying to catch up) is on the Global Orion. The Global Orion is a really sweet dive support vessel (DSV)- Norwegian built. When I worked on board, a few years ago, we were kept pretty busy. I hope she’s still working and not laid up like so many others have been since the plunge in the price of oil.

Global Orion
I was chief mate on there for a short time. I enjoyed working there a lot. I had a great crew to work with. I still keep in touch with some of them (on Facebook mostly). I like working with the divers and ROVs. It keeps things interesting, much more interesting than the drilling rigs.
I really hope work will pick up soon. I’m going nuts hanging around the house for so long, never knowing when I’ll get called out to go to work. Never able to make plans of any sort. It’s very stressful. Much more stressful than anything I’ve ever done at work!
This sounds like a really interesting job, where no two days would be alike and I imagine you meet some real characters
yes, that’s pretty much true. I really loved working out there and hate the thought of having to give it up. Some people I’ve met out there have become friends for life.
I just met a friend who sailed with me in high school on vacation down in Nicaragua. Some others, just on Facebook but I know I can still count on them.