Having computer issues! I can’t believe it! After calling dozens of times, 5 visits from technicians, 1 visit from IT gurus, replacing interior and exterior lines….. I STILL can’t connect to the internet!
I’ve tried 8 different devices, NONE of them work!
Do I need to move to McDonalds or what???
So what are they telling you, what’s the problem? Why you not able to connect internet?
they keep telling me it’s my computer! Yes, it IS driving me crazy. I can’t get anything done. I can hardly stand to even try to write a blog post since it’s always impossible for me to finish one lately. I’ve called them dozens of times to complain, they’ve been here over a half dozen times, they’ve replaced everything possible from the pole to the computer and it STILL doesn’t work! I’ve even had outside IT professionals check it out. No one can tell me what’s really wrong and no one has any more ideas as to how to fix it. I’m at my wits end! Since I can’t find work offshore, EVERYTHING I’m trying to do now is dependent on having a working computer with decent internet- photography, writing, looking for work, it’s ALL online.
If you have any suggestions, please send them my way.