Just Jot It Jan: 1 Spider

Here’s to starting out the new year with a bang! I’m participating in the Just Jot It Jan online ‘event’ for 2017. The first prompt (for yesterday, Jan 1) was “spider”.

Call me weird, but I actually like spiders. I think they’re pretty cool, what with all those eyes and legs. I don’t bother them around the house. I like that they eat the nasty bugs.

I do have to say I would probably change my SOP (standard operating procedures) if I had big guys like this one running around! I just don’t like the idea of stepping on something like that in the middle of the night. Uuuuugggghhh.

The picture is of a Goliath Birdeater Tarantula. I took it the last time I was at the Museum of Natural History in Houston. They have a really nice insectarium and a nice butterfly habitat where you can wander around and let them land on you. (The butterflies, not the tarantulas!)

If you want to join in on Just Jot It Jan, check out the links to Linda’s page. Here’s a link to the rules. 

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