New WordPress- Ugh!

Does anyone else hate this new WordPress (with the blocks) as much as I do?

It makes it SO much harder to write a post. It makes me spend so much more time and energy to write one. It makes it so frustrating. It makes it much less enjoyable to get on here and so I don’t want to blog as much. Maybe even not at all.

Does anybody see any advantage to this new system?

9 thoughts on “New WordPress- Ugh!

    • Yeah, me too. But I figure I need to post at least every once in a while if I want to try to keep this thing going. Sometimes I wonder if it’s worth the time I spend on it. This new wordpress has more than doubled the time it takes me to write a decent post, especially if I want to use photos. 🙁

  1. I don’t like it at all and am avoiding it as long as possible. I have this thought that the person(s) who created it are neither photographers nor writers and have no understanding of how useless this format is to some of us. I hope WP will get rid of the blocks and make the sight flow more easily.

    • I’m not seeing that Barista. I am finding I can’t do any of the things I used to do easily. For instance, change the size of an image. Make a gallery of photos that fits in one space instead of a huge long line of photos. I can’t easily change the color or size of text anymore. I can’t easily copy and paste any more. All things I used to do easily and made my posts better

  2. Just had the same very negative first experience when trying to get a post up on Now the post is up after working for double the usual time I started doing some research and have found that there is an official plugin maintained by WordPress that restores the previous WordPress editor. The plugin is called Classic Editor – disclaimer I have not tested it out yet.

    WordPress also removed the ability to justify text but supposedly there is a way around that but I have not figured it out yet

    • Thanks Simon! someone else just told me you can go back to classic wordpress in your settings. I haven’t tried it yet, but will see if I can do that later today.

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