Share Your World- Sept 2 2019

Occasionally I run across these- Share Your World- posts from Melanie on the Sparks From a Combustible Mind blog. It’s always interesting to read all the comments from everyone and I like that the questions usually make me think. 😉

The questions are in bold, my answers are not.

When you’re 90 years old, what do you suppose will matter most to you? My health, and especially my mental state. I would hate to live to be 90 years old and too sick to get out and do any of the things I enjoy. I would rather be dead than lose my mind (or the use of my body).

What’s the best way to spend a rainy afternoon? Reading a good book.

What is one thing you don’t understand about yourself? How do I manage to accomplish everything I set out to do (eventually) EXCEPT lose weight?

When was the last time you tried something to look ‘cool’ (hip), but it ended in utter embarrassment?   Details? I’m trying to remember the last time I tried to ‘look cool’. I really can’t. It’s been decades since I’ve tried to do anything to impress anybody that way. I can’t even remember doing that when I was young. I never really thought that way. Always just “take me the way I am, or screw it”. Too many people in the world to worry about acting to impress.

And I like this one from last week so will include it here…

If you’d like, please list five things that are priceless to you. Freedom, liberty, friends, ability to travel, books.

2 thoughts on “Share Your World- Sept 2 2019

  1. Thanks Jill for Sharing Your World! I’m glad you drop in occasionally and find something worthy to answer! 🙂 I’m with you on the ’90’ question, although the physical side doesn’t bode well IF I live to that kind of age. And lots of us have fought the weight battle and lost. I think we learn to accept ourselves, whatever size we are. If others don’t like it, tough cookies for them.

  2. Pingback: Share Your World Sept 2 2019 | Capt Jills Journeys

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