What’s Really Open in Europe for Americans Now?

So, where in the world are people still living normal lives? I’ve heard Turkey, Serbia, Croatia, and of course the poster child- Sweden.

Sweden sounds like a beautiful country. I was there once when I was in high school. We stopped at Visby for a couple of days. I don’t remember a whole lot except that the weather was gorgeous and it was very green. I’d like to go back for a visit some time and see more of the country.

Croatia looks beautiful from what I’ve seen of it online. I used to work with a couple of guys from there. They both made it sound very nice.

Serbia? I don’t know anything about it except that it had a war going on for a while. I should probably be ashamed for my ignorance. I would love to go there and learn more about it. Any Serbians here, please feel free to inform me. 🙂

I’ve been to Turkey a couple of times. I really loved it. I love history and I enjoyed spending time in the many museums and some of the ruins around the country. The coastline is gorgeous and I bet there must be some good places to SCUBA dive. I could definitely see myself spending some time there.

Is anybody on here familiar with any of these countries? I’m especially curious right now about how different places are dealing with the covid-19 virus. How close to normal (the old normal, not the ‘new normal’) are they?

I think I will spend some time researching how many countries Americans are allowed to travel to and how much time we’re allowed to spend there. I hate to spend so much time, money and effort to go someplace and then get chased out after a short time due to visa issues. I think we were allowed only 3 months in European Schengen zone (before covid) and not allowed at all in a lot of places at this point.

Sad. Really, really sad

3 thoughts on “What’s Really Open in Europe for Americans Now?

  1. I look forward to reading what you discover in your quest.
    In 2013 I was sick of the BS here so I sold everything and moved to New Zealand.

    At first, I loved it. The people were friendly and even the police seemed like they were there to help rather than looking for opportunities to issue tickets.

    Eventually, I was offered a job that would sponsor my visa. It was the same corporate job I left in Atlanta but for half the pay and twice the taxes.

    Then I noticed that it was illegal to ride a bicycle without a helmet. Or to own a weapon. And many other things.

    I decided to bail and come back to the USA. Given what that bloody communist, Ardern, is now doing to the country, I made the right decision.

    It’s hard to figure out if you’ll really like a place until you’ve lived there for a few months.

    Perhaps you should try to tour the EU and stay a few months in many places. Of course, with the current COVID-1984, who knows how that will work out…

    • Hi Michael,
      I appreciate hearing about your experiences in NZ, that’s somewhere I always wanted to go. Their response to the virus has completely turned me off. Same with Panama. I can’t believe how so many people think it’s somehow OK to have their government telling them how they are only allowed to live their lives with such constraints. What ever happened to being allowed to just LIVE?

      I am considering doing just what you suggest. My issue has always been financial. I have never been able to figure out how to afford taking off work for long enough to spend the time I’d like. At least 6 months. I’d really like to spend at least a year. Maybe in one spot if I like it. Maybe more around one country. Maybe move around to other countries. I don’t know where we are even allowed to enter anymore. The entire world has gone insane over this new virus. It really seems pretty harmless to me.

      Yes, some people have died. But it’s not as if it were ebola which I would actually agree with some of these draconian measures. It’s barely worse than the regular flu, if that. It’s just that it’s new and the media have taken advantage of that and flat out terrorized the world. What I will never forgive or forget is that our ‘leaders’ have taken the opportunity to become the little dictators they’ve always wanted to be. Nor can I forgive my fellow Americans for not standing up for themselves and just going along with the propaganda instead of learning the truth and fighting back.

      • I know what you mean.
        Back before the “great printing” of 2008, I earned enough $ to take 6 months off every year.

        Now, with the $ being so diluted, I can’t afford to take off 6 weeks.

        Being squeezed from both ends…

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