Wow! Talk about starting off the new year right!
I’m happy to announce that I’ve been nominated for the WordPress Family Award! I had no idea there even was such a thing so it came as a complete surprise.
I only started blogging in August of 2013 so I am feeling really delighted, amazed, thrilled and a little bowled over to have this kind of recognition so soon. 
I have to say a HUGE thanks to Mercedita at the Atidecrem Life Project!! I am humbled and honored that you would think so highly of me after such a short time. I am especially touched that you would nominate me for a ‘family’ award. 
I never had much family (that I knew about) and at this point, I only have one brother left that I grew up with as real family. I have friends which I consider as my ‘family I chose’.
So, in that light I am happy to accept the nomination and will pass on the favor. People here really are very nice, friendly and helpful and it is like a family here.
Here is the explanation of the award and the rules…
The WordPress Family Award
“I start this award on the basis that the WordPress family has taken me in, and showed me love …. The way people take a second to be nice, to answer a question …. I wanted to leave my own legacy … as many have done before. This represents ‘Family’ we never meet …. It is my honor to start this award.”~ Shaun from Praying For One Day
Award Recognition Procedure
- Display the award logo on your blog.
- Link back to the person who nominated you. (Here’s my link to the nominating post
- Nominate 10 others you see as having an impact on your wordpress experience and family.
- Let your 10 Family members know you have awarded them.
That is it.
And here are my nominees for the WordPress Family Awards…
- Andrew was also my first follower and of course it makes you feel just fantastic to get even one follower when you’re first starting out.
- Charlotte was one of my first followers and gave me help and encouragement when I was trying to figure out how to set up my blog.
- Carol is a great artist and was very encouraging to me when I was first starting my blog.
- Ijassdie was one of my first followers and still keeps in touch with many ‘likes’ and comments.
- OM, who I met through a post of his, something about why women are crazy, of COURSE I had to reply to that!
Since then, he has given me lots of attention and always takes the time to answer questions and comments I’ve had.,
- JG Burdette at the Map of Time, always giving good advice and enthusiastic remarks on my maritime posts.
- Rommel has been one of my earliest followers and stops by quite often to ‘like’ and comment on my posts
- Joan has been very kind and helpful over the last few months.
- Uncle Spike has made me feel very welcome when I stopped by his blog and commented there.
- Don Charisma has been very friendly and helpful, he answers comments and he even nominated me for an award recently!! I’ll be doing another post on this award/event as soon as I can manage.
I really had a hard time choosing these 10 and I would have liked to have added a few more. I’m not sure but I think this is supposed to be restricted to WordPress blogs so I tried to stick to that. Some of the links don’t show it, but all of the ones above did show up as belonging to WordPress, so I hope they’re all OK as far as the rules. 
Now, to finish up, I have to figure out how to let each of my nominees know that they’ve been chosen. I guess I’ll just go and visit their blogs and comment with a link to this post like Mercedita did for me. 
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