This is a listing of all the past Prometheus Awards. They’re awarded for the best Libertarian science fiction of the year. I’ve read and enjoyed quite a few. I like books that make you THINK and these sure fit the bill! I’ve already read a lot of these books and seeing the list now makes me want to read some more of them Some of my favorites on the list (I didn’t even know about the list when I read them)…
2009- Little Brother- Cory Doctorow
2011- Animal Farm- Hall of Fame- George Orwell
2009- Lord of the Rings- Hall of Fame- J.R.R. Tolkien
1998- Time Enough for Love- Hall of Fame- Robert Heinlein
1984- Farenheit 451- Hall of Fame- Ray Bradbury
1983- Atlas Shrugged- Hall of Fame- Ayn Rand