Hey, I’m climbing up the ladder again, seems much slower this time, but I’m happy people are still liking me once they manage to find me. 🙂
This showed up today. 🙂
Congratulations on getting 500 total likes on Captain Jills Journeys.
Your current tally is 502.

Working On It

If you’ve been here before, you must be wondering WTF is going on around here. It looks like hell and it looks a LOT different than it used to! Well, to tell you the truth, I think I made a major mistake in moving my blog over to captainjillsjourneys.com from captjillsjourneys.wordpress.com!

I’ve had nothing but major frustration and aggravation from day 1 with this move and I’m not happy at all. I had my blog looking pretty decent and had (finally) figured out how to add widgets and such. I had my blog moved over more than a week ago and only just discovered that my follow button was gone!

I’ve lost access to the wordpress reader and can’t find out how to connect with it again. I can’t figure out how to get my visuals set up the way I want them. I can’t remember how to put the widgets I had back on my sidebar (twitter feed, flickr feed, facebook feed, etc). I can’t even see my old site to try and copy it!

I’m on vacation and really don’t want to spend ALL my time here in a beautiful foreign country working on the computer trying to get my blog back in order. I AM working on it. I just can’t spend the time here and now.

So, I’m asking for help. Does anybody know anything about how to fix any of those things I just mentioned? I’m lost. 🙁

What Happened to My Reader?

I moved my blog to www.captainjillsjourneys.com from www.captjillsjourneys.wordpress.com and besides the fact that it looks like I need to pretty much start all over from scratch, I can’t seem to find the wordpress reader any more! What happened to it?

I can’t even get my old blog to open up any more! WOW. This sucks!!