A Walk In The Desert

I got here yesterday and after a nice long nap I decided to take a walk around and see what there was to see.

There’s a nice big green park across the street. I was surprised to see a lake, people fishing, and even a lady out feeding the ducks.

I’ve never seen ducks like these! One looked like it had a little feathery clown wig on it’s head. I don’t know what kind of duck it was, but we need some of those around Houston, just for the laugh factor. 🙂

I walked through the park and finally saw the cactus I was expecting to see here in the desert. They’re getting ready to bloom! I’ll go back tonight to see if they’re flowering yet. Cactus are SO beautiful when they bloom. I was happy to see them even tho it was only a planting along the edge of the park along the roadside, at least it did let you in on the reality that we are here in the middle of the desert- no matter that there’s a lake right there!

Of course, there was a shopping center right across the way. Typical.