Sorry All,
My good computer is still in the shop. My internet at home has been going off and on for the last 2-3 weeks. Some days it shuts off altogether and won’t come back on no matter how much I fiddle with the computer, modem, phone lines, etc.
Today has been another one of those days.
I spent another hour on the phone with tech support, (after doing the same last week for the same issue- which did nothing to help). They said they would have to investigate further and it would be another 2 days before I could expect them to get back to me.
I have a couple of friends staying with me. One of which is kind of a computer geek. He’s tried a few things to figure out what’s going on and his conclusion is there is something wrong with the modem. I concur.
Let’s see if the internet provider finally figures that out and gets me back online.
I guess I’ll be spending a lot of time at McDonalds for the next couple of days.