Tuesday Meetup

I just got home from the weekly meetup of the Texas Liberty Campaign of Brazoria County.

It’s always an interesting way to spend an evening. We have wide ranging discussions about current events, politics, history, economics, health, gardening, and various conspiracy theories to boot. 😉

We’ve started various projects to do with self sufficiency, healthy living, natural gardening, education, community, and liberty candidates. Many, if not most have fallen apart due to lack of membership growth and involvement.

I joined this group a few years ago because I wanted to find effective ways to improve life. I wanted to help fix all the things I saw going wrong around me. I wanted to find ways to fight for real freedom and individual liberty.

I wanted to help stop Americas slide into just one more statist country, one with little to no regard to individual rights-no regard to individual liberty. I wanted to help return America to the purpose it was founded for- to protect and defend the rights of the people. Rights that are inherent to all people, simply because they are human beings- that did not come from any government. As stated in our Declaration of Independence (emphasis mine)…

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, 

Tonight I volunteered to take over our website. Apparently, a few meetings ago the members voted to discontinue it. I still think it’s a good way to inform people, to inspire people, and to get them involved. We all hope it will get them to come out to the weekly meetings, but so far it has not done much in that respect.

I hope I can help improve that.

Anybody out there willing to take a look and give me some suggestions for improvement? I’d appreciate it. If you’re anywhere near Brazoria County, Texas, please join up and come out to our meetings some time! We’re always welcome to new faces and new ideas. We really could use all the help we can get. 😉

All images in this post were found on google.

Alienable Rights = Glorified Privileges

Alienable Rights = Glorified Privileges.

Very good article by Kelly Diamond! I have been noticing for a LONG time that most people don’t have any kind of idea of what ‘rights’ are. This article does a good job of explaining what they are.

People now a days seem totally confused. They don’t seem to understand that there is a BIG difference between natural rights (which belong to everyone regardless of whether any person or even government recognizes that fact) and those ‘rights’ we enjoy because of the society we live in.

Because of this confusion, we are losing more and more of our natural rights. Our government, which was expressly created for the sole purpose of PROTECTING those rights is instead intent on chipping them away to nothing.

Diamond makes some good points about the ‘freedom of the press’ guaranteed to us by our Constitution and how Dianne Feinstein (and others) are working right now to restrict that freedom even more. As a blogger (and hopefully one day able to do more), I am NOT happy with the arrogance of ‘our leaders’ latest attempts to decide who can and can not be considered a journalist re: freedom of the press.

ALL of us should be considered able to publicize whatever we feel is news. That is what the internet has done for ALL of us! Who the hell does Feinstein think she is, to decide what can and can’t be published? Who can/can’t be considered a ‘real’ journalist? What information is OK or NOT OK to be publicized?

The reason the founders included ‘freedom of the press’ in the Bill of Rights was to ensure that we could always get information that the government might prefer to keep secret! The mainstream media has not been doing their job at all for the last few years (at least). Thank goodness for the internet and ordinary people posting to the internet!


The Weekend Vigilante August 24, 2013

The Weekend Vigilante August 24, 2013.

I’m a subscriber and I really love this email newsletter I get, TDV (the Dollar Vigilante). Its written by Jeff Berwick and his team of libertarians/anarchists. I wish I had his ability to get my thoughts out so well and to so many people. I wish more people would pay attention and wake up to what is happening around us, the daily loss of liberty here in the USA. I am to the point of desperation to leave, but still stuck here trying to figure out a way to support myself anywhere outside of this country. I am SO tired of beating my head against the wall. I am SO tired of trying to explain to people here that we are NOT a democracy but a constitutional republic, and that we have certain inalienable rights that are NEVER subject to a majority vote. That our actual rights belong to us as an integral part of our being human beings, they do NOT come from any government! Our so-called leaders violate our rights continually and no one seems to care. I just don’t get it and I guess I never will, WHY do so many people choose to live as sheep instead of accepting the freedom they were born to?