So. Has anybody out there ever been to the TBEX? Or anything similar? Or any blogging event?
I’m going to the TBEX coming up this weekend and I really have no idea of what to expect. I wrote a post about it the other day and asked for information, but didn’t get the response I was hoping for (thanks to those who did respond).
I don’t want to go all the way up there and then waste my time being totally clueless.
I’m sure with all the bloggers out there around the world, someone must be going to these things.
I know some of you are fellow bloggers. Can I get a show of hands? Click 'like' if you blog too. Feel free to comment too (even if you're not a blogger). :-) How many are 'travel bloggers'? I consider myself a travel blogger, even tho I blog about a… I'm still here in Huntsville (Alabama- NOT the prison in Texas!). The TBEX is over now, but I'm not flying home til tonight. Checkout time is noon and the art museum across the street doesn't open til then, so I figured I'd try to catch up a little and…
It's been a whirlwind of activity since I got here, so this will just be a quickie til I get a chance to catch my breath. ;-) Met a fellow blogger on the ride to the hotel yesterday, we dropped our bags at the hotel and then went out for…