Today’s post for the A to Z challenge is: water.
It seems an appropriate subject. I’ve spent almost my entire life in, on and around the water.
Of course I understand (in a back of the mind sort of way) how vitally important water is in so many ways. All life on earth (and maybe space too) depends on water. Without it nothing living can survive for long. But I don’t think of it that way most of the time.
I usually think of it as a necessary ingredient for me to work (and sometimes play). As a merchant marine, I spend my life at sea. I started out working on local fishing boats when I was very young, moved up to the party boats, back to commercial fishing. I moved to Texas to go to school and earn my AB and QMED certificates from the USCG since it was so hard for women to find work offshore back then.
Since then, I’ve worked my way up over the years on crew boats, production boats, standby boats, supply boats, tankers, trawlers, ROV support vessels, dive boats, construction boats, pipe layers, semi submersibles and drillships. Whew!
Thats a lot of years at sea! I only count the 39 years since starting as a cadet in 1977. I still love it and can’t wait for a chance to get back out there.
How do you think of water? Do you work on/with it? Play on/with it?
This reminded me of the nursery rhyme “Water, water, everywhere and not a drop to drink.” I hope I quoted that correctly. I don’t recall if there is more to the rhyme.
I live on a creek in a rural area. We have seen much creek erosion over the years and have trouble with beavers some too. The upside–I’ve enjoyed watching wildlife I’d never have seen without water flowing nearby. All in all, it’s a great place to live!
Thanks for sharing your love of water.
glad you liked it.