Today was such a lazy day. I didn’t do anything much. I did manage to take my daily walk around the neighborhood, but that’s about it.
I finally got hungry enough to cook some dinner. I had some pork loin (center cut chops) I got on sale the other day that I never put in the freezer. I figured I had better cook it up before it went bad.
I cut it up into thin strips, sauteed it with some onions til it was pretty much done. Then I added a can of pineapple chunks, some frozen green beans and peas. I had one of those single serving rice cups I threw in the microwave and a few ‘cheese rangoons’ to heat in the oven.
Made a nice (so-called) Chinese dinner without having to go out. I would have called for delivery, but pizza is the only thing they’ll deliver around here.
For dessert I made some Waldorf salad. Apples, celery, raisins, cherries and mayonnaise. Just sweet enough and the apples went nice with the pork.
I like to cook. I don’t usually do any ‘fancy’ cooking (follow a recipe) anymore. Mostly since it’s just me and I don’t like to waste it. I learned to cook on the ship, so it’s still hard to cook for just 1. If I cook from a recipe I wind up eating the same thing for a week and still throwing half of it out!
Sometimes these dishes we just throw together always turn out OK. I use tinned pineapple in my sweet and sour (chicken/ pork, whatever is cheapest), onions, tomatoes, peppers, any odd veg. Add a stock cube, garlic and fresh ginger, and voila! Dinner is served!!