World Oceans Day

World Oceans Day is coming up on Monday (June 8). This years theme is ‘healthy oceans, healthy planet’. It really is just common sense. The oceans cover over 70% of the earth. We all ultimately rely on the ocean for our own health and well being. It’s important to take care of it, if only for our own good. Monday will be a day to remember all the reasons we should respect and care for the oceans, it’s a day to celebrate and get involved too.

The oceans are a major source of food for people (and animals): fish, shellfish, seaweed, plankton, krill, etc. They also help to regulate the climate and keep some of the Northern areas warm in the winter and Southern places cooler in the summer (N hemisphere). The oceans are also extremely important for connecting people around the world. In the USA, 90% of our trade is by sea.

A lot of people make their living directly from the sea like I do. I’ve worked on the water from the time I was a kid. Fishing, recreation (cruising), and transporting cargo from one place to another (a ship is much more efficient than any other form of transport). Now, I work in the offshore oil fields, exploring for and extracting resources from the sea bottom.

If you live near the ocean, like I do, you already know how important it is for your ‘soul’, your mental health, your attitude. I can sit by the sea, listen and watch the waves roll in and it immediately calms me. I like to swim, snorkel, sail, SCUBA dive, surf (not very well), fish, and any other activity that gets me out on the water. 😉

I hope you’ll take a few minutes to think about how you benefit from it and what life would be like without a healthy ocean. Check out a few of the links. Get involved in some of the events if you can. If you can’t get out to any of the events on Monday, remember it doesn’t have to stop on Monday!

There are plenty of things you can do every day to help make things better. Even simple things like talking to people about World Oceans Day, disposing of your trash properly, using as little plastic as possible, not letting balloons fly away loose, etc. It all helps. 🙂 PS- none of the pictures in this post are mine, I got them all of the internet.

Songs of the Sea: Wide Sargasso Sea

Here’s another Song of the Sea for your enjoyment. 😉

Let me know how you like it.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Horizon

Horizon from the beach

Horizon from the beach

I took this on the beach while I was at the International Living conference at the Mayakoba resort near Playa del Carmen Mexico.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Sea

Arriving at sunrise on the crewboat to the Global 1200

Arriving at sunrise on the crewboat to the Global 1200

Weekly Photo Challenge: Sea

Riviera Maya near Cozumel April 2013

Riviera Maya near Cozumel April 2013

I was in Mexico for a conference (moving overseas by International Living). It was great but not nearly enough time to enjoy these beautiful beaches;-)

Weekly Photo Challenge: Sea

stormclouds and rainbows from the 8506

stormclouds and rainbows from the 8506

Pretty blue jellies

I've been playing with my new camera

I’ve been playing with my new camera