I wonder if things are finally beginning to turn around? I heard a tip from a friend while I was at the TBEX in Huntsville about a job. I immediately tried to call the people who were looking (it was the weekend) and eventually got in touch.
Thank goodness! We were able to work things out and I left for the ship on Monday. I’ll be working as a DPO for at least a couple of weeks! A real job!!
I was glad I got to go to the TBEX in Huntsville. I learned a lot, ran into some old friends and met some new ones. I hope I will be able to turn my experiences there into some good stories and will follow up on connections asap.
Sadly, that may not be all that soon. It looks like I will be pretty much out of touch while here on the ship since internet is not up to snuff and phone is out of range.
After working for over a year on a tuna boat, 3+ months incommunicado at a time, I swore I would never again work for anyone who didn’t have enough respect for their people to provide them with a minimum ability to keep in touch with friends, family and business at home.
Well, after almost 20 months of unemployment (without being able to collect even a dime of the thousands of dollars I’e paid into the system over the last 40+ years), I’ve had to change my attitude, suck it up and take anything that anybody offered.
Thank goodness, I’m finally working! It could last as long as 6 weeks!!
I just hope this is a sign of better times ahead.
I’ll try to post as often as I’m able. Sorry but I don’t think I’ll be able to very often til I get off.
Congratulations! Enjoy the new gig
Hope everything goes well.
Thank you! I wish the internet worked a little better, but SO thankful to finally have a job!
Even if its only for a couple of weeks. Unbelievable how much a difference it makes in every way!
Wow! This is definitely good news. Hope it leads to more and better things in the future. It was great to see you in Huntsville. It was one of the best TBEX conferences we’ve attended so far.
Thanks Penny. It was nice seeing you there too. I agree, it was a great conference. I’m hoping to be able to make it to more of them in the future.
I see you and so many of the other GEP alumni making such great progress. I really need to concentrate on marketing (tho I hate it).
Hard to do without reliable internet. Not so easy at home when stressed out over finances because not working either. I WILL find a way (eventually).
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